Sustenance data for youngsters. Incorporates good dieting, nutrition types, solid snacks, choices for veggie lovers, work out, drinking a lot of liquids, and lower-fat takeaways.
Your manual for good dieting
Life as a youngster can be quick, irate and fun. To develop and be sound, you should be dynamic and eat the correct sustenances. This leaflet demonstrates to pick solid sustenances, beverages and snacks. It additionally says how you can be dynamic in regular day to day existence, and how much rest you require.
Settle on sound sustenance decisions
Eat a wide range of sustenances
Eat an assortment of nourishments from these four nutrition types each day:
* Legumes incorporate cooked dried beans, peas and lentils.
Vegetables and natural product
What amount do I require?
What is one serving?
Dried foods grown from the ground juice are not prescribed in light of the fact that they contain a great deal of sugar.
Breads and grains
What amount do I require?
No less than 6 servings consistently – in case you're extremely dynamic, you may require more.
What is one serving?
Drain and drain items
What amount do I require?
No less than 3 servings consistently. Pick low-fat choices.
What is one serving?
Lean meats, chicken, fish, eggs, legumes*, nuts and seeds
* Legumes incorporate cooked dried beans, peas and lentils.
** Saturated fats are found in creature fat, palm and coconut oil.
What amount do I require?
No less than 2 servings consistently.
Veggie lovers – no less than 3 servings of vegetables, nuts or seeds.
What is one serving?
Veggie lovers
Veggie lovers require sustenance with heaps of iron, for example, wholegrain grains, vegetables, dried products of the soil green verdant vegetables. To enable your body to assimilate the iron in these nourishments, eat new, vitamin C-rich vegetables and organic product with them.
In the event that you don't eat cheddar, drain or eggs, you have to get protein from nourishments, for example, tofu and vegetables. In the event that you drink soy drain, pick one that has included calcium and vitamin B12.
(See the flyer Eating for Healthy Vegetarians – Code HE1519.)
Solid snacks
Snacks help give the additional vitality you requirement for development and physical movement. On the off chance that you will be out on the town, bring snacks with you. Pick sound snacks that are low in immersed fat, salt and sugar, for example,
Eating when you are all over the place
Numerous takeaways are high in fat, sugar and salt and ought to be kept for exceptional events, only one out of every odd day. On the off chance that you are out and require a nibble or a supper, search for more beneficial choices. Pick those with less fat, particularly immersed fat, and more vegies, for example,
Keep some foods grown from the ground jug of faucet water in your pack on the off chance that you get eager or parched.
Have bounty to drink
Drink no less than 6 to 8 glasses each day. Drink much all the more amid hot climate and when you are exceptionally dynamic (particularly some time recently, amid and after exercise).
Drink a greater amount of
Water is best – it's free and simple to get.
Low-fat drain is additionally a decent drink; it's rich in calcium and makes a decent nibble.
Drink less of …
Natural product beverages and juice are high in sugar. In the event that you pick juice, weaken it with water (1/2 juice and 1/2 water) and have it with a feast as opposed to all alone. This may shield your teeth from the sugar.
Sodas are high in sugar and vitality (calories) and can contain caffeine. They ought to be infrequent beverages (not exactly once per week).
On the off chance that you drink espresso or tea, constrain them to maybe a couple mugs for every day. Try not to drink tea or espresso with dinners since they diminish the measure of iron and calcium you can assimilate from the feast.
Caffeinated beverages and vitality shots are not prescribed. They contain included vitamins and caffeine. They are generally likewise high in sugar. The greater part of the additional vitamins are not required.
Liquor is not suggested. On the off chance that you drink liquor, drink just a bit, eat some nourishment, don't hit the bottle hard and don't drive.
Eating for developing and moving
Since you are as yet developing, you require more vitality (calories), vitamins and minerals than any time in recent memory. What you eat will influence your execution – on and off the field.
Pick a scope of sustenances from the four nutrition classes. Have a lot of breads, grains, vegetables and organic product, bring down fat drain items (drain, yogurt, a few cheeses), lean meat or choices and bunches of liquids (particularly water). Games drinks are pointless for most youngsters.
Sit less, Move more, Sleep well
Sit less
Separate sitting time
Spend close to 2 hours every day (exluding school) at the PC, on a gadget, or sitting in front of the TV.
Move more
Do no less than a hour of direct to incredible action a day
Incorporate exercises that reinforce muscles and bones no less than 3 days seven days.
Rest soundly
Your manual for good dieting
Life as a youngster can be quick, irate and fun. To develop and be sound, you should be dynamic and eat the correct sustenances. This leaflet demonstrates to pick solid sustenances, beverages and snacks. It additionally says how you can be dynamic in regular day to day existence, and how much rest you require.
Settle on sound sustenance decisions
- Take care of yourself. Your wellbeing is vital, and it's influenced by what you eat.
- Help with setting up the family dinners. You could even have one night seven days when you cook for the entire family.
- As frequently as possible, eat suppers with your family and whānau.
- Show others how its done – support your family and whānau and companions to settle on sound nourishment decisions.
- Eat three suppers consistently, in addition to a few sound snacks amid the day on the off chance that you are ravenous. You additionally need to drink a lot of water.
- Continuously set aside opportunity to have a sound breakfast – so you have vitality to begin the day.
Eat a wide range of sustenances
Eat an assortment of nourishments from these four nutrition types each day:
- vegetables and natural product
- breads and grains
- drain and drain items
- lean meats, chicken, fish, eggs, legumes*, nuts and seeds.
* Legumes incorporate cooked dried beans, peas and lentils.
Vegetables and natural product
- Give starch, vitamins and minerals, fiber and are low in fat.
- Eat them with generally dinners.
- Awesome nibble sustenance.
What amount do I require?
- No less than 3 servings of vegetables and 2 servings of organic product consistently.
- Eat a wide range of shaded vegetables and natural product: tomato or strawberry; broccoli or kiwifruit; carrot or mandarin; eggplant or plum; potato or pear.
What is one serving?
- 1⁄2 measure of cooked vegetables, eg, broccoli, peas, corn, spinach, pūhā (50–80 g)
- 1⁄2 measure of serving of mixed greens (60 g)
- 1⁄2 measure of crisp organic product serving of mixed greens (120 g)
- 1 medium potato, or kūmara (135 g)
- 1 carrot (75 g) or tomato (80 g)
- 1 apple, pear, banana or orange (130 g)
- 2 little apricots or plums (100 g)
Dried foods grown from the ground juice are not prescribed in light of the fact that they contain a great deal of sugar.
Breads and grains
- They additionally incorporate rice and pasta.
- They give sugar, which can be an imperative wellspring of vitality and fiber, and a few vitamins and minerals (particularly wholegrain breads and grains).
- An extraordinary wellspring of vitality for development, game and wellness.
What amount do I require?
No less than 6 servings consistently – in case you're extremely dynamic, you may require more.
What is one serving?
- 1⁄2 glass muesli (55 g) or porridge (130 g)
- 1 glass cornflakes (30 g)
- 1 measure of cooked pasta or rice (150 g)
- 1 medium cut of bread (26 g), move (50 g), pita pocket or tortilla (50–80 g)
- 2 breakfast wheat scones (34 g)
Drain and drain items
- They incorporate drain, cheddar and yogurt.
- They give vitality, protein, fat and most vitamins and minerals, including calcium.
- You require high-calcium sustenances to construct solid bones.
- Pick low-fat drain (yellow or green best) for additional calcium.
- Attempt drain, cheddar and yogurt as snacks.
What amount do I require?
No less than 3 servings consistently. Pick low-fat choices.
What is one serving?
- some low-fat drain (250 ml)
- 1 pottle of low-fat yogurt (150 g)
- 2 cuts of cheddar (40 g) or 1⁄2 measure of ground cheddar
Lean meats, chicken, fish, eggs, legumes*, nuts and seeds
- All contain protein, which your body needs to develop.
- Additionally contain fat and various vitamins and minerals – particularly press, which is imperative for your blood and mind.
- Your body effortlessly utilizes the iron from meat, chicken and fish. To help utilize the iron from vegetables, eat new, vitamin C-rich vegetables and natural product in the meantime, including kūmara, broccoli, tomatoes, oranges and kiwifruit.
- Farthest point handled meats, for example, lunch meeting, salami, bacon and ham as they are typically high in soaked fat** or potentially salt.
* Legumes incorporate cooked dried beans, peas and lentils.
** Saturated fats are found in creature fat, palm and coconut oil.
What amount do I require?
No less than 2 servings consistently.
Veggie lovers – no less than 3 servings of vegetables, nuts or seeds.
What is one serving?
- 1/3 measure of nuts or seeds (50 g)
- 3⁄4 measure of mince or meal (195 g)
- 3⁄4 glass heated beans
- 3⁄4 measure of tofu (200 g)
- 1 medium filet of fish or steak (100–120 g)
- 1 medium pāua or kina (100–120 g)
- 1 egg
- 2 cuts of cooked lean meat (100 g), eg broil sheep, chicken or pork
- 2 chicken drumsticks or 1 chicken leg
Veggie lovers
Veggie lovers require sustenance with heaps of iron, for example, wholegrain grains, vegetables, dried products of the soil green verdant vegetables. To enable your body to assimilate the iron in these nourishments, eat new, vitamin C-rich vegetables and organic product with them.
In the event that you don't eat cheddar, drain or eggs, you have to get protein from nourishments, for example, tofu and vegetables. In the event that you drink soy drain, pick one that has included calcium and vitamin B12.
(See the flyer Eating for Healthy Vegetarians – Code HE1519.)
Solid snacks
Snacks help give the additional vitality you requirement for development and physical movement. On the off chance that you will be out on the town, bring snacks with you. Pick sound snacks that are low in immersed fat, salt and sugar, for example,
- bread, bread moves, bagels, rēwena and pita breads or French sticks. Attempt some wholegrain assortments and have them with your most loved low-fat fillings
- wafers, organic product buns, scones, natural product bread, hotcakes, popcorn (have a go at popping your own)
- unsalted nuts and seeds
- pasta and rice
- breakfast grains with low-fat drain/yogurt
- low-fat yogurt, plain or seasoned low-fat drain
- new organic product – entire, with yogurt, mixed in a home made smoothie or with a cut of cheddar
- vegetable sticks together with a plunge or spread (hummus, curds or yogurt-based plunges)
- warmed scraps, for instance, stews, soups and vegetables, (for example, potato, taro, pumpkin or kūmara).
Eating when you are all over the place
Numerous takeaways are high in fat, sugar and salt and ought to be kept for exceptional events, only one out of every odd day. On the off chance that you are out and require a nibble or a supper, search for more beneficial choices. Pick those with less fat, particularly immersed fat, and more vegies, for example,
- kebabs and wraps
- filled bread rolls
- pizza with a larger number of vegetables than cheddar
- sushi
- pasta with tomato-based sauces
- thick stout chips or wedges rather than french fries
- rice-or noodle-based takeaways (not singed) with heaps of vegetables
- heated, stuffed potatoes.
Keep some foods grown from the ground jug of faucet water in your pack on the off chance that you get eager or parched.
Have bounty to drink
Drink no less than 6 to 8 glasses each day. Drink much all the more amid hot climate and when you are exceptionally dynamic (particularly some time recently, amid and after exercise).
Drink a greater amount of
Water is best – it's free and simple to get.
Low-fat drain is additionally a decent drink; it's rich in calcium and makes a decent nibble.
Drink less of …
Natural product beverages and juice are high in sugar. In the event that you pick juice, weaken it with water (1/2 juice and 1/2 water) and have it with a feast as opposed to all alone. This may shield your teeth from the sugar.
Sodas are high in sugar and vitality (calories) and can contain caffeine. They ought to be infrequent beverages (not exactly once per week).
On the off chance that you drink espresso or tea, constrain them to maybe a couple mugs for every day. Try not to drink tea or espresso with dinners since they diminish the measure of iron and calcium you can assimilate from the feast.
Caffeinated beverages and vitality shots are not prescribed. They contain included vitamins and caffeine. They are generally likewise high in sugar. The greater part of the additional vitamins are not required.
Liquor is not suggested. On the off chance that you drink liquor, drink just a bit, eat some nourishment, don't hit the bottle hard and don't drive.
Eating for developing and moving
Since you are as yet developing, you require more vitality (calories), vitamins and minerals than any time in recent memory. What you eat will influence your execution – on and off the field.
Pick a scope of sustenances from the four nutrition classes. Have a lot of breads, grains, vegetables and organic product, bring down fat drain items (drain, yogurt, a few cheeses), lean meat or choices and bunches of liquids (particularly water). Games drinks are pointless for most youngsters.
Sit less, Move more, Sleep well
Sit less
Separate sitting time
Spend close to 2 hours every day (exluding school) at the PC, on a gadget, or sitting in front of the TV.
Move more
Do no less than a hour of direct to incredible action a day
Incorporate exercises that reinforce muscles and bones no less than 3 days seven days.
Rest soundly
- Getting enough rest during the evening is essential for your wellbeing:
- 12–13 year olds require 9–11 hours per night
- 14–17 year olds require 8–10 hours every night
Healthy Eating for Young People
Reviewed by Mehrab Akram
July 26, 2017

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